Event registration : TWORZENIE RELACJI 03: Tworzenie formy i metod - Online Polska CET - 21/05/2024 - 18:00

Enter an optional message to the instructor.
                                            dHb  HSM      
.d@@99@ 9EH M8M .dEEb. .dHSHHb @999 MSM M8S
d59" HE5 9HE EH@ d9MP"8Sb S9K "HEM EHH .EEP
5HE @8S Y8S EEP SH9 89@ "Y58@5b. S9S @@5HEHK
YE@b 5SM YHbdHP YMHb 8@S X5@ ES5 8M9 "@Sb
"YH@@8E Y5HP "YSEM5M S@8HMP' @9M @8E HHM
H@8 ES@ S9S
8ES YEb dEMP d55P
H@S "YS@P" E85P"
Enter the code depicted in ASCII art style.